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John H. Holliman Resident Scholarship to a pathology resident

07/20/2017 11:32 AM | Deleted user

Dear Colleagues,

To encourage the support of professional development for pathology educators, the Group for Research in Pathology Education (GRIPE) is again offering the John H. Holliman Resident Scholarship to a pathology resident who is sincerely interested in pursuing undergraduate or graduate teaching of pathology as part of their career planning. GRIPE is a national/international organization of institutions, interest groups, and individuals who are dedicated to improving the quality of pathology education in allopathic and osteopathic medical, nursing, dental and allied health schools.

The scholarship covers registration expenses (travel and lodging are not included) for the annual GRIPE Winter meeting will be in Las Vegas, Nevada, January 25-27, 2018. Further details of the meeting can be found online at

Please encourage any of your residents who are interested in Pathology medical education to apply before October 31, 2017.

Download the application here.

E-mail the completed form along with the resident’s one-page statement emphasizing his/her interest in teaching along with a curriculum vita that demonstrates past teaching experiences to Danielle Inscoe at You may also fax your completed forms to 304-523-9701.

The resident will also be asked to prepare a poster on a topic of his/her choice and give a 10-minute presentation summarizing the poster at the 2018 meeting. The scholarship will be awarded by December 15, 2017 at which time the recipient and all applicants will be notified.

Thank you,
GRIPE Admin Team

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